Wednesday, 26 April 2017

The Representation of Women

Who wrote about the “final girl” in 1992?

Carol Clover wrote about the final girl.
Image result for girl sign

In what book did they write about the “final girl”?
She wrote about the final girl in her book Men Women and Chainsaws.

List three traits of the “final girl”/three ‘conventions’.
Three traits the final girl holds in a horror movie are:
-An androgynous name and dress sense. For example, the name Laurie, and Dana are not typical "girlie" names, and they don't wear typically "girlie" clothes either. Compared to Laurie's friends, Laurie wears very different clothes that could be seen as "boyish" and "unfashionable".
-The final girl is often a virgin, to differ from her sexually active friends. Being a virgin holds connotations of them being pure and innocent. Often, the characters who have sex in a horror movie, die early on, as they're seen as distracted.
-Lastly, the final girls behaviour is very different from other characters. She is often reserved, clever, and much more aware of things going on around her. These traits assist the final girl to live out of all of her friends, as they're often portrayed as stupid or distracted.
Image result for dana cabin in the woods

Who wrote about existing research on women’s roles in media texts in 1983?
Jeremy Tunstall wrote about women's roles in media texts, and he found that women were often seen to be portrayed as four roles.

What were the 4 roles mentioned?
The four roles were:

What was the only genre in which the ratio of males to females was more equal?
The genre that held an equal ratio of men to women was Primetime TV adverts.

In 1992 research showed that men dominated women on-screen, but by what ratio?
The research was that for every woman there was on-screen, there were two men. There was and still is a lack of women on-screen, mainly, homoesexual, black, or older women. Men are still seen as the authority-holding gender.

Name one of the three problems with the findings?
One of the three problems of this finding is that males are more likely to be seen as having authority and a working life, and the women are more often seen having a domestic, consumer life.

Why does the reading suggests that Ripley (Alien) is "more progressive" than Lara Croft?
This is based on both the girls physical appearances. Lara Croft is seemingly dressed to please the heterosexual males, showing off her assets, whereas Ripley is wearing less skimpy, more modest outfit. Lara is being objectified and sexually exploited even though she's seen to be a forward movement towards equality. Women and their bodies are used to sell a lot of products today. Adverts will use a Women to sell a man products like cars or razors.

Image result for razor ad formen

What are the 3 ‘C’s when discussing the portrayal of women in some lifestyle magazines?
The three C's are:
Typically, it's the women's job to cook for the family, clean the house, and care for the children.

Who wrote Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema?
Laura Mulvey wrote Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema.

(Briefly) describe what is meant by the ‘male gaze’
Give an example
The male gaze is the way the camera looks at a woman, from the male's point of view.  She said that the cinematic gaze is constructed by a mans perspective. Camera angles and movements will be used to objectify a woman, for example panning up their legs, or close ups of specific assets. This is seen as denying women of subjectivity and encourages society to view women as objects for male pleasure.

Which magazine removed the male centrefold in the 1980s and why?
Cosmopolitan removed the male centrefold because women found it more humerous.

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